
Taking Pictures: Protect Your Work (New Yorker)

Taking Pictures: A Way for Photographers to Protect Their Work (via The New Yorker)

"...There’s software that can help photographers keep tabs, and services like ImageRights International, whose tagline is “It’s your image. You shot it. You created it. Now get paid for it.” Tracing infringements (and unwanted use in propaganda) is a part of any photographer’s job these days. “Professional photographers don’t talk about this publicly,” (Yunghi) Kim said. “But they all do it.”...

“Remember, infringers don’t set the price of your work. You do! My settlements range from 1,000 to 3,000 euros plus legal fees for a single unlicensed image used for editorial purposes.” Kim told me that, in general, “For me, it’s financially worth pursuing.”"  READ MORE