
Week 3: Exposure

This week we went over the exposure triangle and went in-depth into shutter speed, ISO and aperture or f-stops.  We discussed the how the time of an exposure, the sensitivity of the film or sensor and the size of the lens opening affects and exposure along with the quality of the image.  Aspects such as depth of field, motion blur and stop action, and grain or noise impact your image.  Here are different short explanations of exposure.

I mentioned camera shake and the resulting motion blur as the most common mistake make by budding photographers.  Some ways to beat camera shake is by using a higher shutter speed if hand holding your camera, a larger aperture, a higher ISO, properly holding your camera and positioning your body, or use of a tripod or other support.

If you are using your iPhone or Android as your main camera, there are apps, both free and for purchase which give you manual control. With these apps, you can override your camera phone's automatic settings and adjust the shutter speed, aperture, ISO and focus yourself.

Here are tips on how to shoot a silhouette and action on a camera phone.