
Story Behind Jonny Nguyen's Ferguson Photo

Photo by Jonny Nguyen/www.chambersvisuals.com

"...One such glimmer was captured by Oregon-based freelance photographer Jonny Nguyen at a Ferguson demonstration in Portland earlier this week.

The photo shows 12-year-old Devonte Hart, his eyes welling with tears as he hugs Portland Police Sgt. Bret Barnum, and the story behind it was reported first by The Oregonian in an article published earlier today..." READ MORE via PetaPixel

Walker Evans on What Makes a Good Photo

Elizabeth and Dora Mae Tengle (1936)/ by Walker Evans

Walker Evans interviewed (excerpt) by Paul Cummings for Smithsonian, NYC, Oct-Dec, 1971 - READ ARTICLE via American Suburb X


Last Stop: A photo book by George Georgiou

Last Stop: A photo book by George Georgiou (See More Photos)

Childhood Photos of Frida Kahlo by her Father



‘It’s Not the Gear, It’s the Photographer’

"Maybe the ‘it’s not the gear, it’s the photographer’ is the proverbial dead horse that’s occasionally given a beating, but it’s a message that we never tire of sharing with a gear-loving, often gear-obsessed, photography world.

To that end, the short tutorial video above by our friends at SLR Lounge puts some numbers to this idea. The question they’re asking: Does taking a picture with 6x more expensive gear, get you a 6x better photo?

The answer, of course, is no..." READ MORE via PetaPixel

SF Chronicle Photogs on the World Series


How Good Are You at Remembering Faces?

How Good are You at Remembering Faces?  Play the Game


Keira Knightly on Photo Manipulation

Photo By PATRICK DEMARCHELIER/Click for link to Interview Magazine

""I've had my body manipulated so many different times for so many different reasons, whether it's paparazzi photographers or for film posters."" READ MORE

Keira Knightly's breasts were famously digitally manipulated for King Arthur Movie Poster.

Through A Lens Darkly: US Photo Racial Divide

Through A Lens Darkly Trailer (documentary in progress) from Thomas Allen Harris

""Through a Lens Darkly," a documentary directed by Thomas Allen Harris, is essentially a glimpse at two scrapbooks — one chronicled by African American photographers, the other by a country unsettled by racist attitudes that persist today. When it comes to race, whether in the old Jim Crow South or the echo chamber of social media, one person's image of truth can be another's degradation..." READ MORE


Chilean Photography Online Exhibition

The Photographic Museum of Humanity, an online photography showcase, is presenting Chilean Photography through November.  Visit the Exhibition


Short Film about Selfies with Kirsten Dunst

ASPIRATIONAL from Matthew Frost on Vimeo.

The Oldest Known Photo of a Human

"...this image, taken in Paris, France, in 1838, is believed to be the earliest known photograph featuring a person.

Look in the photo's lower left corner and you'll see a man getting his boots cleaned on the sidewalk. The boot-cleaner is there too, although he is harder to spot...

It was taken by Louis Daguerre, the French photographer famous for pioneering the daguerreotype, an early type of photo produced on a silver plate or a silver-covered copper plate.
According to Retronaut's Amanda Uren, the exposure time for the image was around seven minutes. The street appears deserted because while the two human figures were relatively still, other pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages were moving too fast to register on the plate..." READ MORE



Photographer Robert Frank Turns 90

"Robert Frank is 90 years old on Sunday. The great pioneer and iconoclast has become a survivor, celebrated and revered, but still resolutely an outsider. One thing we can be sure of: he won’t be looking back...

it is impossible to imagine photography’s recent past and overwhelmingly confusing present without his lingeringly pervasive presence. Frank was 31 in 1955 when he secured the Guggenheim Grant that financed his various road trips across America the following year with his wife and his two young children in tow. He shot around 28,000 pictures. When Les Americains was published by Robert Delpire in France in 1958, it consisted of just 83 black and white images, but it changed the nature of photography..."  READ MORE (via The Guardian)

Cerro Rico by Tim Hussein (Storehouse)

Chris Hondros Iraq Photo of Samar Hassan

Samar Hassan after her parents were killed. Chris Hondros/Getty

The Falling Man (Subtitulos en Español)

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