
Introduction to Photojournalism

  • Pictures That Change History: Why the World Needs Photojournalists. It's never been easier to take photos—or harder to capture ones that matter.  READ ARTICLE (via The Atlantic)

Photojournalism at Boston University


Widower's Beloved Photos of Wife Returned

 Read Story and See Photos via CNN

Bad Camera or Bad Photographer? (Editorial)

"Five years as an Editor in Chief, two years as a wedding photographer, a half a year at Magnum Photos, and two years as a working photojournalist taught me something: there is such a thing as a very bad photographer...."  READ MORE (Editorial via The Phoblographer)


Company Photoshops Model Meaghan Kausman

Swimwear company Fella Swim's re-touched a photograph by photographer Pip Summerville of Australian model Meaghan Kausman without authorization:  READ STORY

Top image was photoshopped; bottom is original by by Pip Summerville


Photographer Tasers and Films Nude Subjects

"(Photographer Patrick Hall) had his models stand in front of a high-speed camera while a friend mischievously waits to hit his prey with the stun gun. The result is definitely something you’d want to watch, but not experience..." READ MORE

Dad Makes Video of Daughter's Selfie Shoot

Smartphones Changed The Photography Experience

"(Henry Jacobson) says smartphones have democratized image making in an unprecedented way, more than even the Kodak Brownie or the 35mm Leica had done in the past. “I think  the smartphone is a radical change,” he explains. “The fact that everyone is a photographer has changed the way that everyone thinks about photography. It’s become about the sharing of experience, rather than the sharing of a moment, and that’s something that I think is entirely new.”"
 - READ MORE and SEE PHOTOS (via Time LightBox)


7 Tips and Tricks for Creative Smartphone Photos

"The Cooperative of Photography, is back in the photo tip game again, this time showing us 7 smartphone photography tips you’ll want to be writing down if you ever shoot with the computer in your pocket..." READ MORE (via PetaPixel)

The Power of the Still Image: Ed Kashi Interview

Ed Kashi Photo via EyeEm

"What tips would you give to aspiring photographers?

Be ready for a lot of defeat and frustration, you must be passionate and belief in yourself and your work. Create a great body of work that shows a point of view, a vision and personal approach. Own a subject, issue, style, area… distinguish yourself..." READ INTERVIEW w/ PHOTOS, VIDEO (via EyeEm)

Life Around The World Through Instagram

Hai Thanh/@HaiThanhptw
"Photographer Peter DiCampo and writer Austin Merrill never intended to start an international movement when they launched Everyday Africa in early 2012. Their initial goal was to act against the visual clichés and stereotypes about war, poverty and disease that permeate conventional media coverage of Africa. “As journalists who are native to Africa or have lived and worked ..." READ MORE and SEE PHOTOS


Paris Life Through An Old Pentax Viewfinder

"Using a Pentax 67, photography and filming enthusiasts Mathieu Maury and Antoine Pai from Maison Carnot showed us lovely scenes of Paris through its viewfinder..." READ MORE


Afropunks by Phil Knott

"...Phil Knott, whose portraits of heavily studded kids are illuminated with heavily contrasted black-and-white tones, was also a frequent contributor to the site. Documenting the growth of Afropunk culture has become a hobby for Mr. Knott, who has been taking street portraits of the alternative black scene in New York for the past five years...

To set up his portraits, he matches his method to the mood. While on the streets, he rolls out a white sheet of paper and tapes it to a wall. Inspired by Richard Avedon’s rich contrast fashion portraits, and to “avoid distraction from their faces,” Mr. Knott uses a white background for all of his portraits.

“I just wanted them to look at the camera and show themselves for what they are,” he said. “I never dressed them. These people were photographed as they were.”..."  SEE PHOTO GALLERY


Director Robert Rodriguez SAAHJ Award Speech

'It's not important about how you say – It's about what you say.' –Robert Rodriguez


 "A selfie doesn’t always have to be about you; let the destination have some me-time, too. David Wells, an International Center of Photography faculty member who leads photography workshops, offers tips on elevating the selfie to a higher form of travel photography..." SEE TIPS (Via The Washington Post)


The “Snapshot” Changed the World

"...Things changed dramatically in 1888 when George Eastman introduced the Kodak camera. A small hand-held box, it cost only $25—about the price of a higher-end iPad in today’s money, which put it in the range of the well-off middle class. And it offered simplicity: It arrived with 100 shots preinstalled, and when they were taken you shipped the entire camera back to Eastman’s factory in Rochester, New York, where workers developed the photos and mailed them back to you along with your reloaded camera. “You press the button, we do the rest,” as the Kodak slogan rang..." READ MORE

Behind the Scenes at Ferguson Protest

"Photojournalist’s Helmet Cam Takes You Behind the Scenes in Ferguson as Police Tear Gas Protesters" READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO

Street Photography Advice for Shy Photographers

MediaStorm Guides to Premiere Pro

A Complete List of MediaStorm Guides to Premiere Pro: Learn Premiere Pro - SEE LIST


Ron Haviv: Going into News Hotspots

"Around the time of the speech, I was discussing the impact of honest photographic reporting on an Associated Press Photo Managers’ online panel. One the many takeaways from the panel: The role of the photojournalist is often misunderstood. These women and men see themselves as the eyes and ears of the community. One just needs to ponder the disconcerting experience of seeing this focused group of individuals who rush to the epicenter of drama and trauma while others flee for safety.

Take Ron Haviv, co-owner of VII Photo, whom I spoke with this week. He has been taken hostage three times.

He said contrary to popular opinions, all photographers covering conflict zones are not adrenaline junkies solely out to make a name for themselves..." READ MORE (via Poynter)

Famous Photographs Rendered in Play-Doh


Annie Leibovitz Shoots Kate Upton

POY Spoofs Rising Hipster Photography Trend

"‘Chris Bauer has just been given the title ‘Male Photographer of the Year’, and he has shot an amusing 85-second-long video telling you why. 

With the likely self-coined honorific, Bauer teases the rising trend of hipster photography with words of wisdom in the short, which also doubles up as a creative self-promotion video." READ MORE



Photojournalist James Foley Remembered

"For the 44 days I spent thinking about James Foley, he had no idea who I was. It was early 2011 and Jim, then a correspondent for the Global Post, had been kidnapped in Libya, where he was reporting on the civil war. Kidnapped with him were three other journalists, including a freelance reporter named Clare Morgana Gillis, who had filed stories for USA Today and the Atlantic..." READ MORE



Photo by Laura El Tantawy

"...Every shift in photography has been linked to a shift in technology,” the exhibit’s curator, Henry Jacobson, told me. “But what makes smartphone photography so different is the instantaneous sharing that this device enables.” Jacobson was interested in seeing how professional photographers, well versed in the medium’s history, have reacted to the rise of “deeply personal and deeply anonymous platforms” like Instagram. He cited El-Tantawy’s images of London and Cairo as strong examples..."  READ MORE and SEE PHOTOS

Amazing Career Advice For College Grads

"Reid Hoffman says it took him 15 years after graduating from Stanford in 1990 to figure out what he was really doing with his life.
Figure it out, he did!

Hoffman is now the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, a $19 billion public company..." READ MORE

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Photographing and Taping Cops at Work is a Right

"...There’s been a power shift in favor of everyday citizens and it’s being recorded on iPhones and Androids – then Facebooked, tweeted and Instagrammed. Now all the world has seen how a few bad cops do their job.

This summer, ordinary citizens have put those phones to good work..."  READ MORE

Woodstock by Baron Wolman


Luisa Dörr and Navin Kala Document Selfies

Photo by Luisa Dörr and Navin Kala

"For The Self Promenade, photographers Luisa Dörr and Navin Kala document the many selfies shot along the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong, where young people from around China travel for shopping, sightseeing, and photo-ops. As selfies become an ever more popular form of self-expression..." READ MORE

46 Photography eBooks You Can Have for Free

Everybody Gets an eBook: 46 Photography eBooks You Can Have for Free (via PetaPixel)


It's Perfectly Legal to Film Cops in the USA

“There are First Amendment protections for people photographing and recording in public,” Mickey Osterreicher, an attorney with the National Press Photographers Association, told The Huffington Post. According to Osterreicher, as long as you don’t get in their way, it’s perfectly legal to take photos and videos of police officers everywhere in the United States..." READ MORE


We’re Losing Millions of Photos a Year

"The new ‘Lost Generation’ Photojournalist and memory evangelist Kevin Gilbert says we’re losing millions of photos a year..." READ STORY

Millennials’ Worst Nightmare: NO SELFIE ZONE


Robin Williams Meets Koko the Gorilla

"actor and comedian Robin Williams paling around with Koko, a gorilla who is fluent in American Sign Language..." Read More


Discovering the World of Color (Animation)

Burn Magazine Constantine Manos Inverview

"When a young photographer asks me, “how do I get an assignment?” I reply that before you even seek assignment you have to produce a body of work that shows how you view the world and what you can do with your camera. In other words you have to have something very unique, a vision, a proof that you are capable of putting your own personal stamp on your pictures and can show us things we have never seen before and will never see again. I think every successful photograph is a surprise, often defined by a special moment..." READ THE INTERVIEW (via Burn Magazine)


Take Better Holiday Pictures (Infographic)

How to Take Better Holiday Photographs
by renbot.

Palm Beach Post Picture Editor Mark Edelson

Photo by Damon Higgins/The Palm Beach Post

The Art of the Palm Beach Post (Florida) Picture Editor

“I start with the belief that words and pictures work together, with neither subordinate to the other, to tell a story. The words and pictures should complement each other, not repeat each other.
“This is critical: The photographs we use aren’t ‘art’ — they’re information. They may be beautiful, creative, composed perfectly, but the best ones tell stories; they inform and enlighten..." READ MORE


Find Out How Much New Orgs Pay

is a Tumblr that takes anonymous submissions about who pays how much to photojournalists.... READ MORE (VIA POYNTER)

Best Free Photo Editing Software

"Don’t want to break the bank on Photoshop? We’ve rounded up 11 of the best free photo editing software for you to try out, with links to download each app directly..." READ MORE and GET DOWNLOADS (via Digital Camera World)


Monkey Selfie Photographer Legal Dispute

Photo by Endangered Crested Black Macaque or David Slater

"Wikimedia Stands Up for Monkey Photographer Rights, Refuses to Take Down Monkey Selfie" –READ STORY